The Full Monty

Less than one minute read time.

Well, we went to the hospital today for Pat to have the full dose of Octreotide. It was quite painful and the nurse offered to do two doses next time as the needle is smaller but Pat said he would rather get it over in one. He asked her if she could go to a different plumbers merchant and get a smaller drainpipe next time! He has a marvellous sense of humour.

We were allowed home straight away and I had to pull over so he could be violently sick at the roadside. Made a note to myself to take a bowl next time. He has unwell for the rest of the day with some tummy pain during the night. Next morning he managed some scrambled egg for breakfast and had another day in his chair with duvet.

Today he feels much better. Got dressed and has been up and about all day except for a short nap after lunch. The next dose is in four weeks and Oncology in eight.  It is his 67 th birthday next week and with luck we may be able to get to the cinema. Watch this space. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Panda.I do hope you both get to the cinema.HUGS xxxxx

  • FormerMember


    I have just joined this website, my dad was diagnose with carcinoid of the lung and liver, he has his 2nd scan today so hopfully we wont have to wait long to see the oncology. Your story so far has been so intereasting and uplifting. I have been so busy trying to find out all i can about this cancer as i had never heared of it up till now. they told my dad that the tumour in his lung wasnt very active but the liver (secondry) was very very active, so now we are all waiting for the results now to see if it has spread. we are all as a family deverstated at diagnosis and it has been a long journey to get to the bottom of it (12 months) but we only have a few more days to wait now before we know what were up against.

    Thank you for all your help

    love & prayers to you and patrick  xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello julie,


    I have sent you a friend request to open a private message channel should you want to contact me. I am sorry that your Dad has had this diagnosis, but try not to panic. Pat also has a secondary liver tumour and the primary is in his tummy cavity, near the bowel. Both the tumours are not very active. Pat has Asbestosis on his lung, but it is benign. His symptoms have been going on for 18 months and because of his other many medical problems, it was difficult to make a diagnosis. I believe Carcinoid is very difficult to find and often only discovered during surgery for other things. His symptoms were mainly excessive mucous like getting a cold then nausea and vomiting and facial flushing. It became so bad that our social life ground to a halt as he would be fine one minute and then it would start without warning.

    As you can see there is only one other post on this site about Carcinoid and it is two years old.

    I assume this second scan is an Octreotide scan which will give the Oncologists a more detailed idea of what is going on. We were really pleased to get the result of that and to find that there were not any more tumours around. Mac Millan gave me a very good link on this site about Carcinoid. I will get it and type it on here as my browser if not supported to cut and paste on this site.

    The latest news is that I now seem to be living with a different man this week!  He has been so much better and no more nausea or vomiting.

    Our Oncologist says that the Octreotide injections not only block the tumour's activity, but prevent further growth.

    I do not know what treatment will be decided for your Dad as everyone is different. The very best of luck and do keep in touch.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic and thanks for your kind thoughts.

    Hope things are as ok as possible with you both.

    I am hopeful that we will be able to do something on Pat's birthday. Unfortunately the cinema showings next week are too late in the day for us, so we will wait for the midday ones to come round.

    Take care,


    Panda. x