Pat's Carcinoid Blog

  • Busy week


    Here we are back on the journey with a busy week of three visits to hospital. Oncologist tomorrow, then three days of special urine collection and back on Friday for more blood tests. Next Monday is the next injection. It is a 400 mile round trip each time but we get very good treatment and the car now knows it's way lol.

    Overall I think he has been a little better this week but his sugar level are flying all over…

  • Roller coaster


    It's been a bit up and down for the past week. We have had days of excessive mucous,nausea, vomiting and exhaustion and some other better days. I think overall things are improving a little. Unfortunately the treatment has upset Pat's Diabetes so we have had a leg infection to cope with.

    I, of for my sins got a bladder infection on Christmas Eve and by the time I got to a doctor on Wednesday it had got a hold…

  • Tomorrow is another day


    I am pleased to say that Pat has 'popped up' this morning and is feeling a lot better. He managed a short walk down the path near our cottage and has been in his studio painting again after a couple of weeks of not feeling well enough. It is nice to see. I admire his determination.

  • An action packed day.


    Well, today began with Pat looking a bit off colour. He then said his feet were hurting and sure enough his legs were swollen and red. He is Diabetic and gets Cellulitis but has had a good run lately. It's my call and do I hope it won'rt blow up or ask for a GP call in case we get to the blister stage over the holiday. Asked for a call and our lovely GP was here an hour and a half later. 

    Whilst we were waiting…

  • The journey begins


    We went to the special treatment centre yesterday. It was a very calm and purpose built unit with a nice day room next to a garden and different rooms where patients were sitting receiving various forms of treatment including Chemo. The staff were pleasant and reassuring. Pat was nervous, as he has been told that the Octreotide injections were painful. There was tea and coffee making equipment and free supplies for relatives…