Our journey from the start

  • Three months down the line


    It's 3 months since J heard that he was in remission and he's just about to go in for his first 3 month check up, so it must be time to darken the door of this blog again for an update - and well, as usual, to express some of my darker worries that I don't seem to be able to say to anyone in real life.

    The nice bit is that remission, so far, has been fanbloodytastic. J is doing so well. His hair growth is…

  • Remission


    Remission is the best word in the world isn't it? We got the good news on Wednesday and I nearly fainted!  I cried, J was cool as a cucumber and said he always knew it. He's now bouncing around like tigger booking us a holiday for the February half term. He is also planning to go back to work on a phased return at the start of February. We're very happy and very relieved and hope that we are the lucky ones and it doesn…

  • Feeding the Fears


    Had a heart sinking moment last night. J has been complaining of aching hips for the last couple of weeks. We've brushed it off as aching joints, a side effect of chemo.

    But last night he said to me that his left hip was really aching and he wouldn't be surprised if the cancer hadn't gone from there. I stared at him and said just left? And he said yes. So I raced off to find my blog and read the entry from months…

  • Hoping for the best, fearing the worst


    Our christmas has been magic. The timing of the chemo break was just wonderful. J felt a lot better and did the cooking (result!) and the boys got to have their lovely daddy around on top form to play with them. We had friends and family over, we had winter walks, we went to the panto, we went to a new years party, and we spent the day chilling at center parcs yesterday. It was just a perfect time and I'm glad, whatever…

  • Scans and Tests and Merry Christmas!


    J is having his PET scan today. Slightly earlier than the essential 6 weeks wait but hopefully that won't matter.

    I've been at the doctors having blood tests today too. I finally went to see the doctor last week after 6 months of abdomen pain and bowel trouble. I'm convinced its IBS caused by the stress of J being ill, but the doctor was more interested in my ovaries so it was blood tests today to be followed by…