Scans and Tests and Merry Christmas!

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J is having his PET scan today. Slightly earlier than the essential 6 weeks wait but hopefully that won't matter.

I've been at the doctors having blood tests today too. I finally went to see the doctor last week after 6 months of abdomen pain and bowel trouble. I'm convinced its IBS caused by the stress of J being ill, but the doctor was more interested in my ovaries so it was blood tests today to be followed by an ultrasound. He did mention the big C but I absolutely refuse to contemplate it. That would NOT be fair!!

So next time I write it will be on the other side of the 7th January aka RESULTS DAY. Me and J are doing really well and not thinking about it too much. We've been enjoying the build up to Christmas with our boys. I'm really looking forward to a family day together, because whatever worries and strains we have now, we are still together and that's all that matters. I wish everybody on this site, suffering in different ways from this dreadful disease, a peaceful and loving day as much as possible xxx
