Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • Summer Side Effects


    They say you ought to be careful in the winter because the cold can cause havoc to the population's elderly. They never remember to tell people that it's just as likely in the blistering heat of the summer months. This latest heat wave has seen two relatives die and another two admitted to hospital, where they still remain. It's a worrying time for our family and where as I'd usually be down like a shot to assist in any…

  • The halfway mark!


    My compulsion to write about every inch of my not so exciting existence has waned somewhat since I re-discovered what it's like to sleep, and boy can I sleep right now! Today was the first day I managed to stay awake, just about, for a full day.

    I'm sure this new found desire to sleep all the bloody time is in part due to the joys of radiotherapy but in part I think I'm just so thrilled that I'm nolonger being disturbed…

  • Olympic sleeping champion


    After months of finding it almost impossible to sleep, I appear to have skipped to the other end of the spectrum and now can barely keep myself awake. Call me The Sleeper - defender of beds, pillows and nap times! If there's a doze to be had, I'm there! I'll conquer unconsciousness, one snuggled sleep at a time! We're 3 radiotherapy sessions down, 9 to go and I'm still far more upbeat than I've been for weeks. Isn't it…

  • Two Down and a Break


    Yesterday was session 2 of radiotherapy. I had asked for morning appointments and they've booked me in for 8am for virtually the rest of them which seemed like a less appealing option until I realised that it actually cut down the waiting by a ridiculous amount. There was still a lot of faffing on. I think it's just in a bit of an awkward place. That morning my name had apparently been changed to Christine. You can tell…

  • Three appointments in one day


    That lesser known Crowded House song.

    Today has been a bit of a long day. I've seen the radiology band (there were 5 of them), the oncologist and the GP.

    The GP was seen last and honestly I want harm to come to one of us after my most recent chat with him. How does a man who claims to be so caring get off with being such a condescending moron?! I probably need to explain a little but essentially he's been seeing…