Two Down and a Break

1 minute read time.

Yesterday was session 2 of radiotherapy. I had asked for morning appointments and they've booked me in for 8am for virtually the rest of them which seemed like a less appealing option until I realised that it actually cut down the waiting by a ridiculous amount. There was still a lot of faffing on. I think it's just in a bit of an awkward place. That morning my name had apparently been changed to Christine. You can tell I wasn't all there, because I turned to Hairy and genuinely checked that Christine wasn't my name. Issues dear!

I've had a couple of less nightmareish nights though. I'm not sleeping well still but that is largely because Gabriel (big puss) is a gobby night owl and likes to ensure that if he's awake, we're all awake.

After that session I was feeling a bit sicky but we're not going to decide that's related unless it happens next week. I sensibly decided the best way forward was to sleep it off with the kitten.

Everything else seems to be going well. I've chilled out since Thursday's barrage of anger at Doctor Dickhead and the cats are keeping me well entertained with their antics. I have a horrible feeling they may only be the crazy cat lady starter kit. How could you not fall in love with these faces though?

OK so there is a teeny weeny slight chance that when I'm not at the hospital I've just spent the week stalking the cats with my camera....but only a teeny chance, honest!

We've got friends staying for the weekend. I'm showing them all the sights of the north east...take away dessert, a giant trouser-wearing chicken, the goergeous park, ASDA, the random locals. Luckily they're still living on the Isle of Wight so basically anything that has shops looks amazing. The chicken alone was enough to blow their mind holes!

Hopefully the rest of the weekend will be as successful. I'm glad I'm not on the edge of a tear filled rant again at the moment. No one needs to see that. Happy weekend everyone!

  • FormerMember

    Hi keep posting the photos of the cats. Me and Mimi have loads of photos of our much loved but sadly no longer with us cats. We only have a little Yorkie now. she loves cats, problem is the local cats don't feel the same way! Its always a struggle to keep her away from Shadow, he's the local bruiser, Half her size again. The other day when we went for a walk and Shadow was on the grass laying on his back, we passed within a foot of him and he just lay there, I would not let Cassy any closer as he put one of our cats in the vets more than once! Any way enjoy you and Hairy enjoy your weekend. Regards gingercat and Mimi. 

  • FormerMember
    Hi Hun, glad to hear you are feeling a bit brighter and that's two sessions you can cross off your list! Your cats are adorable. They will help take your mind off the horrible stuff. One of mine (who vet thinks has Siamese in his parentage somewhere!) is very verbal, and frequently comes up and talks to us at 3 o'clock in the morning!! Not always helpful ;-) Have a relaxing weekend Hun xxx
  • FormerMember

    Aww yeah the cats are certainly keeping me busy. It's hard to be mad at them for waking me up though! :) xxx