Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - One Careful Owner

  • Returning to Work


    I had so wanted to write in my blog sooner but essentially my week has been work, sleep, work, sleep. I'm really very frustrated that I'm still so tired when I wanted to get on with enjoying what's left of this year.

    My first day back on Monday was a bit of a blur. My team, having found out about my diagnosis through the rumour mill instead of from myself, all seemed terrified to speak to me in case I had…

  • Sick, Sleep and Sarcasm


    I appear to be a master in all three at the moment.

    The appointment with the haematologist was painfully brief after a horrendous 2 hour wait. I got to leave with the gift of a massive painful bruise where the phlebotomist stabbed me so they could peer at my blood again. It looks a little like a duckling so it has the added bonus of being vaguely cute as well as rather inconvenient.

    When I did finally see his pleasant…

  • Onwards


    Radiotherapy finished last Friday and somehow I feel like I've just woken up and nearly a week has passed. How on earth did that happen?

    I get to see the lovely haematologist next week to check on how it went but I generally they all seem to think they achieved what they wanted to. Huzzah!

    The week has been a bit of a blur. Uncle Richard's funeral was on Monday down in Lincolnshire but I wasn't able to attend thanks…

  • The Neck that was NOT in my head (and other tales)


    So yesterday I had clinic review as well as a lovely 1.5 hour wait for my radiotherapy appointment. Apparently treatment room 8 was where the party was because it was the only delayed area. As usual the staff were fabulous and I had a decent wait - I really can't praise the Freeman enough. It seems I accidentally picked the perfect place to live if I must insist on having cancer. 

    I got to catch up with my nutty oncologist…

  • Space Invaders and Space Wasters


    I might be going a little stir crazy now my complete need to sleep has lifted a little. I've offered to go into work and crack on but no one seems to think that's a good idea until I've 'had a good break'. Was I really that bad before I went off? I thought I held it all together rather well myself! I'm still knackered and am sleeping a ridiculous amount but where before I'd wake up, shrug it off and go back to sleep,…