Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • World Kindness Day - Being kind to yourself


    On World Kindness Day, we usually talk about sending a message to a loved one, or doing something kind for someone else. But this World Kindness Day, editor Liza is talking about being kind to yourself.

    Cancer and its treatment can change how your body looks and sometimes, how it works. This, in turn, can affect how you feel about yourself. Many people find they start to have a negative view of their body. But there are…

  • Stress Awareness Week - Tips for coping with stress while living with cancer


    International Stress Awareness Week takes place from 4 to 8 November 2019. The aim is to raise awareness of how stress can affect everyday life and practical ways of coping.

    To mark International Stress Awareness Week, Content Developer Azmina explains the signs of stress and some different things that can help you to cope.

    What are the signs of stress?

    There is no medical definition of stress, but you may feel ‘stressed…

  • Living a healthy lifestyle - The benefits of drinking less


    As the nights draw in and the weather gets drearier and darker, it can be hard to keep going with a healthy lifestyle. You might find it tempting to drink more alcohol.

    But drinking too much can have harmful effects on many aspects of our health. In this blog, our quality and evaluation officer, Rachael, looks at some of the benefits of drinking less.

    Alcohol and healthy living
    For many people, cutting down or giving up…

  • International Brain Tumour Awareness Week


    This blog, written by editorial assistant Molly, explains what the symptoms of brain tumours can be. If you are worried about any of the symptoms listed here, it’s important that you see your GP.

    This week is the 13th International Brain Tumour Awareness Week. This time last year, we posted a blog about what brain tumours are, which you can read here. This year, we'll be talking about what the symptoms of a brain…

  • World Hospice and Palliative Care Day


    Last Saturday 12th October was World Hospice and Palliative Care Day - a chance to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world.

    Our information development nurse, Rebecca, has written this blog using her own experiences working as a palliative care nurse to help answer some common questions about what palliative care is.

    When I worked as a palliative care nurse, it was a privilege to be able to…