My Sotry so far

  • o/t tall ships race


    well first an update i had the growth on my eye removed and the mole under my arm last friday wasnt pleasant but done now and almost healed and the black eye has now gone. Sending them both for biopsy so hopefully they will be okay. just wanted to share some good news in that my 16 year old was chosen to be a crew member on the seacadets masted ship during the tall ship race round ireland for three weeks. i have just…

  • got a surprise today !!


    last year when i saw the dermatologist i showed him two other skin problems that are going to be removed at a later date. i contacted the dermatologist two month ago to remind them of this decision and that i hadnt heard from them and the secretary said she would phone and let me know what he said. i didnt hear anymore until a couple of weeks ago i got an appointment card for today. so i went to a different hopsital some…

  • in the local paper supporting mcmillan


    hi just thought id share with you my famous bit in the paper supporting mcmillans sun awareness month campaign, i expected a little article and it ended up a half page spread lol


    heres the link to the web if you would like to have a peep


    thanks for reading and looking



  • almost a year since my journey began


    well its a while since ive been on here so thought id update, its nearly a year since i went to my gp with my yukky ulcer and toe. I see the specialist again in july and am waiting to see the dermatologist again re two others but apart from that im fine.

    Im on the macmillan database and have been in contact as it is sun awareness month and i have been interviewed by my local paper and they are coming to take piccies…

  • Randomness of it all -----


    Sat here wondering about the randomness of cancer. The lovely lady across the road  who was always smiling passed away with womb cancer the day before and whilst I was struggling to make her husband a condolence card,(I ended up making a yellow card with flowers on as she was always sunny and  felt a more traditional would not reflect her ) I sat thinking about who and why it affects people the way it does. My husbands stepmother…