got a surprise today !!

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last year when i saw the dermatologist i showed him two other skin problems that are going to be removed at a later date. i contacted the dermatologist two month ago to remind them of this decision and that i hadnt heard from them and the secretary said she would phone and let me know what he said. i didnt hear anymore until a couple of weeks ago i got an appointment card for today. so i went to a different hopsital some distance away arrived late due to road works around town so the staff were not best pleased. taken into the consulting room to find it is a minor surgery and the staff were gowned up ready to oeprate at 4pm this afternoon to do the removals i was shocked bearing in mind i had driven there i pointed out that i needed to drive home and as one of theops was on my eye this wouldnt be possible if they operated . explained i was just expecitng to see the consultant today so they have had to rearrange my appointment for a date in the future.  wot a day lol  karenxxx
