My Sotry so far

  • de ja vu


    well looks like ive been here before lol. had my stiches out yesterday as they were hurting, following the infection, and now the internal ones are surfacing like last time, so little bits of fishing wire popping up to the top. yukky, so seven weeks to go before my follow up to see if they have got it all. i hope so cos the last surgeon is not a good seamstress as the first and the scar is now far more noticeable and…

  • never mind rain but pours its now a monsoon


    well following on from the op on monday my face has been really sore and the wound leaking my left check is all swollen and very painful. yesterday i i was supposed to collect hubby and son from hospital however when i dropped the boys to mums she wouldnt let me drive and arranged an emergency gp appointment as i was burning up and not with it due to the pain, doctor diagnosed it was infected and put me on two lots of…

  • operation today and son in hospital too


    well had my second op today to remove the bits they missed the first time, dreaded it again and although i knew what to expect it still flippin hurt. the anesthetic was flying all over again as they injected it kept shooting out, it was like a scene from a horror film as there was blood everywhere and it took them ages to sort it out last time i had both ops done in less than 40 mins today it was almost an hour, and it…

  • met the macmillan roadshow staff today


    saw an article in our paper for the macmillan bus which was visiting our town today, so nipped up to see them to let them know what a great job they do and how great this site is and how much i have got from it.

    the bus was full of info and leaflets galore what  a great idea although think a little more advertising that it was going to be here would have been helpful. ]

    thank you macmillan


  • bad news


    yesterday my best mates mum lost her fight with cancer she had breast cancer then it went into her bones. my mate is obviously devastated, i feel so sad for her.

    today i went to see the placcy surgeon for a check up to be told that the flare up i have on my face is the cancer returning as they didnt get it all the first time, yet they told me they had originally so very upset to go through the horror surgery again and…