Randomness of it all -----

1 minute read time.

Sat here wondering about the randomness of cancer. The lovely lady across the road  who was always smiling passed away with womb cancer the day before and whilst I was struggling to make her husband a condolence card,(I ended up making a yellow card with flowers on as she was always sunny and  felt a more traditional would not reflect her ) I sat thinking about who and why it affects people the way it does. My husbands stepmother had the exact same cancer and yet is in remission. I have had my cancer removed and touch wood it wont return. the lady up the road has just been diagnosed. My friends mother in law is in remission from breast cancer yet her own mother is fighting breast cancer now. Who knows why ???

My hubby asked me today what this site was like and if it helped me, and i replied yes its like having a whole room full of friends who understand wot you are going through or have been through as they go through it yet all support one another, whilst he is my best mate too as well as hubby sometimes its easier to talk with people who have been there and done that so to speak.


So that prompted me to waffle in this blog as ive not waffled for ages and i always feel better for doing so. I have got back into crafting cards again and have just made some for a deaf childrens society, a childrens hopsital in devon to raise funds for the childrens ward toys. some for the dogs trust and am currently making some for a lady who is hosting a mcmillan fundraiser so i didnt hesistate to make her some.


anyway enough waffle now feel better hope you are all okay


  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen

    It's never waffle, it's just random thoughts tumbling out of our heads but valid thoughts all the same.

    My hubby asked me the same question I think another thing is that some times we can say things to 'strangers' , the thoughts in our heads that our loved ones don't always want to hear but we need to say to someone. It's a bit like therapy, but free!

    Glad you're back to your crafting and helping so many through it

    Love and hugs

    Max xxx