my little boys first birthday and going back to work tomorrow

1 minute read time.

hi not wrote for a bit so thought i would jot down some notes. well i see the specialist next week to see how things are going as far as im concerned very well and all healed now yipeee.

its my little babys first birthday today and i dont know where the last year went. we had a party with friends and family at a local play centre where he loved it. my elder two were allowed on as helpers so that was nice for them too runing around with the little uns.

On thursday we found that my hubby has secured his job after having to reapply for it. There were 19 in the same position and only 6 got jobs so he is very lucky. it also means that although im returning to work tomorrow im handing in my notice as after childcare costs ill be working for less than a pound an hour part time so id rather look after my son whilst we can afford to on my hubbys wage alone so should be interesting plus this whole cancer thing has put things in perspective and my family is more important

and finally on my waffle im going to see my eldest sons teacher/head of year tomorrow following an incident at school on friday where my son was bullied by the rest of the class for acheiving the highest grade in his science exam he was subject to verbal and physical abuse and after one of the kids called him gay the teacher agreed with the bully ...............................rather than difusing the situation my son was distraught  wondering why he tried so hard in his exam to get this abuse. if im not happy with the outcome it will be the head and the governors so should be an interesting day arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hope you are all doing well in your own journeys



  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen,

    So all the brave Bastards decide to bully your son because he tries harder at school.

    I hope you do meet the teacher who agreed with the

    bully that called your son gay. Then have a word in the heads shell like ear, and then report him. If there is one thing I cant stand its bullying. Sorry for

    the rant it just angers me so much.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen,

    First - yep the teacher need to be taken to task - sound like the real naughtstep to me - hope he/she never works again if its true ! - Not really the kids fault - we, the adults lead them and sounds like we have not done a good job - we are born without predujice but can soon pick them up.

    Great News about Hubbies Job huh ? You never told us about the Christmas do ! - you get the outfits and shoes.

    So good to hear from you and know life looks so good for you and yours - yes - we all need money to live - but that is different to living for money. Enjoy your childrens childhood - maybe beyond price.

    Take care and remember you have friends on here who do think of you and its great to hear you are well

    Hugs  to You and Yours

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Good luck Karen - you go and give that school a piece of your mind!

    Enjoy handing your notice in too, yes an extra pound just isnt worth missing your children. Well done to your hubby and long may the good news continue.

    kind regards

    Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    thanks for your kind comments. we have the deputy head involved now as the teachers decided not to return calls to arrange a meeting. the year head has phoned to say that they are investigating and it was probably down to jealousy as xav worked so hard to gain such a great grade and they didnt so hopefully we have convinced him to study harder still for the next part to prove them wrong again!!!

    Im now a lady of leisure early as the headteacher where i worked said rather than do something for 4 weeks then leave i could leave straightaway so i finished yesterday feels rather strange as i have always worked so hopefully have more time to chat to my mac friends