December 7th 2009 - A slight improvement in mums mood!

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Mum seems a little brighter today, although she is still constantly touching her hair.  She told her brother tonight on the phone that she is bald, not true, but it was good that she was able to articulate how she is feeling.  She said she would have to start wearing her wig and even told him about my suggestion to get her hair cropped or shaved.  He said it was the best thing to do and I know she will think on it.  I won't force the issue I'll just let her think about it over the next couple of days.  Mums hairdresser comes once a week to 'do' her hair so when she comes on Thursday maybe it'll be the last time in a while and mum will ask her to do the deed!  I hope so as it is the trauma of watching it coming out bit by bit that is tearing her apart.

She has her x-ray, bloods and appointment with the oncologist on Thursday and then, assuming all is well, will have her second chemo on Friday.  I do think there has been some improvement in her breathing and her cough is now practically non-existent but I have noticed that the high colour that was in her face and had gone away seems to be back although not as bad as previously.

The smoking is an issue for us both.  Since we got the patches we have had some very successful days but since her hair started to come out on Friday neither of us has done well and we have taken the patches off early in the day.  At least we have cut down and on the very good days have only had 3 cigs,  I won't say how many we've had on the bad days, yesterday being a case in point!

  • FormerMember

    Hi,  I'm glad to hear your Mum seems to be feeling better.  

    I was having nightmares for weeks about losing my hair and when it started to come out I was absolutely devastated but found the loss traumatic.  Especially when one of our friends pulled some out as he didn't believe how easily it came out - not sure who was more shocked, him as he didn't believe me or me that he had pulled it out!

    I ended up shaving my hair off one Monday morning about four days after the inital loss started, I found it quite liberating and not as upsetting as I thought it was going to be.

    I couldn't get used to wearing my wig and stuck with scarves but you're Mum will find what ever she feels more comfortable with - good luck x

  • FormerMember

    Hi I have had two complete loss of hair (10years apart) and with the latest chemo my hair is goiing very thin.  I didn't mind so much the complete loss but the thinning is most disconcerting! Your Mum is beautiful hair loss or not, tell her the good news is its delightful when it comes back.  A treat to look forward to. Plenty of pretty hats and scalves brighten the look.  x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks to both of you.  Mum thinks she will have it shaved off when her hairdresser comes on Thursday!