December 5th 2009 - hair continues to come out!

1 minute read time.

Mum got up this morning and her hair is coming out in handfuls.  My friend has come up from London for the weekend and we took mum out for an hour just to do some shopping.  Very mundane but got her out of the house.  The three of us intend going out again tomorrow for an hour or so and mum told us tonight she thought she would wear her wig.  I'm delighted that she's made that decision and hope she has the confidence to do that tomorrow.

It's been lovely having Nuala here.  She is very laid back and has lost a young sister-in-law to cancer 3 years ago this Christmas so behaves very normally around mum which is great.  Mum absolutely adores her and I can see she's enjoying having diferent company from boring old me!  Nualas hubby and four kids have stayed at home but have been on the phone to Nuala and have all had a chat to mum.

I am still amazed at how well my mum is adjusting to this horrible disease.  She seems to have an inner strength I didn't know she had.  She has been a little less tired the last two or three days and, to be honest, it's still hard to believe she is ill, although her hair is now patchy which is the only real sign of anything being wrong.  She has continued to eat well and looks well.  She is my hero!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I can really emphasise with your mum right now as it is absolutely horrible when your hair starts falling out and unless you have been there, you just cannot understand.  But, it does get easier.  As soon as it starts coming out in handfuls then it's time to get rid completely.  Why not suggest shaving it off for her as I know that it was so much easier when my husband did mine for me - whilst my 24 year watched with great interest.  What  a relief and I actually felt liberated.  

    Good luck and I'll be thinking of your during the next few weeks.




  • Hi Caroline

    So glad your Mum has been out and about again. It is surprising how we seem to have the strength to cope when we have to. Every time I put my hands through my hair I had handfulls. Got it cut very short but i still found strands on my pillow and in the bath when I washed it so had it shaved off in the end.

    The wig fits better with no hair and is cooler.


    Sue x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Mums do have an inner strength that we

    children dont see till they have something

    to fight for, that's what mums are all about.

    Wished my mum was still here, i could

    do with her strength right now, and this

    time of year i really miss her being around, she was so full of fun,so to all

    mums out there i salute you and your


    With Love Lucylee. xx