My mum has extensive sclc

  • 5 days since end of RT and mum not in good form!


    Mum finished her RT on Monday and is feeling a lot worse 5 days on than she did when she was having the treatment.  Her hair is now coming out in chunks just when she'd reached the stage when it had come back enough for her to feel confident around the house without anything on her head.  The pain she is experiencing when eating and, particularly, drinking hot tea has increased each day and now wakes her up as her chest…

  • May 17th 2010 - Treatment finished!


    194 days since mums diagnosis and her treatment is finished!  She's gone from being a 'very young for her age', fit and healthy 73 year old to a 'looks her age' 74 year old who is nervous about going out on her own because she feels unsteady on her feet and has lost a lot of her confidence.

    The road has been tough but she has never complained and has rarely shed a tear.  She has been extremely tired…

  • Mum has last RT tomorrow - Monday May 17th!!


    Well mum has had 6 chemo sessions of carboplatin and etoposide and found out she was N.E.D. on April 8th.  She has now had 9 RT to her head and chest and will have her final session tomorrow.  Tomorrow it will be 193 days since the day that our world fell apart and we heard the words terminal cancer.  Since then there have been a lot of ups and downs.  At the moment mum is exhausted and I have really noticed her age over…

  • RT and going on holiday!


    I'm hoping some of you may be able to help with a decision we're trying to make.  Mum begins her RT on Tuesday.  She will have 10 days to her head and chest finishing on the 17th.  The thing is we want to go on holiday for a week beginning on May 29th. 

    The oncologist says she is fit to fly but also indicated that the RT could make her a lot more tired than the chemo.  She was so tired with the chemo that she can…

  • Wednesday April 21st - Mum and her planned RT!


    Mum will begin 10 days of RT to her head and chest on Tuesday May 4th.  She had her planning meeting last Friday and found it an ordeal.  She has described how claustrophobic she felt as she was bolted to the table and her mask was moulded to her face, particularly around her nose.  I must admit I don't think I would have handled that too well.

    The problem now is that she is having nightmares about this when she is…