Wednesday April 21st - Mum and her planned RT!

1 minute read time.

Mum will begin 10 days of RT to her head and chest on Tuesday May 4th.  She had her planning meeting last Friday and found it an ordeal.  She has described how claustrophobic she felt as she was bolted to the table and her mask was moulded to her face, particularly around her nose.  I must admit I don't think I would have handled that too well.

The problem now is that she is having nightmares about this when she is in bed and is constantly thinking about it during the day.  She feels quite panicky and doesn't know if she'll be able to go through with it when the time comes. 

I think a big part of the problem is that the people who carried out this procedure did not take the time to explain things either before it happened or after.  She was given no information about how long her treatment will take and clearly wasn't put at ease the way she was when she first went for chemo.  Perhaps if she had asked she would have been told but she was so worked up that she was just glad to get out of the room and get home.  Unfortunately I wasn't allowed in with her as I have been to all her other appointments.

I feel so sorry for her.  She's done so well and now when she should be beginning to feel better she is more upset than she has been during this whole journey.

If you have had similar treatment to my mum and have any info about it that would help her to understand how long it takes and how it will be I'd really appreciate it.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Celiswan

    sending lots of love to your poor mum tonight and to you too...

    My sister was very claustrophobic and her fear of her mask she had to wear for her radio was terrible to see so i can understand how you are feeling. The weekend before my sisters treatment began she was terrified and was sick. But on the day her treatment started she did really well, the staff were very kind to her and allowed her time to talk to them and to take some deep breaths when putting her mask on aswell..and somehow she came through it..and i will say the next treatment she was much less afraid, I don`t know how many treatments you mum will have to have as everyone is so different. my sister had brain cancer, so a different type to your mum and she had 6 weeks of radio.

    I just wanted to wish your mum well and send you some strength to get through all of this, its so hard to see those we love so dearly go through their treatments..

    Take care

    love scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    sorry Celiswan

    i have just seen how long your mum will have her treatment for..sorry im not very with it tonight. Your mum will be fine im sure because she has your love and support and all you can do is keep strong for her as you already have been...and hang on to the fact that this is helping her and that she has done so well so far :)

    scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi celiswan

    So sorry to hear how worried your dear mum is about her treatment and such a shame you weren't allowed in to support and comfort her.  Hope it all goes well and that the next visit isn't quite so traumatic.

    Sending you and your mum love and hugs.


    x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    hi Caroline,

    I once had a brain scan in one of the old fashioned machines that were claustraphobic ,they gave me a shot of valium it realy calmed me down,perhaps they could give your mum something just to take the edge of the fear.



  • FormerMember

    Oh your poor Mum. I will be having the brain RT later and was terrified by the idea, but am much more reassured now, having read about it since. As for the RT to the chest - I started that nearly 2 weeks ago and will continue for another week. They are doing it twice a day over a very large area and I have gone from shaking like a leaf and eyes tightly closed to waltzing in and hardly giving it a second thought! It is completely undetectable and painless. As of today I must have had 16 or 17 sessions and am just starting to get a slight lump in my throat from swallowing, but have immeadiately been given meds for that and heartburn - also cream in case of skin soreness. With 10 sessions your Mum should be fine, but if she does get any side affects there is something to combat them.

    Sharon is right - I am sure they could prescribe something to help - maybe better to try GP first as there would be more time to organise it possibly?

    Thinking of you bothXXX