My mum has extensive sclc

  • Saturday July 24th - Mum feeling good!


    Now that mums been on the steroids for about a week and a half she is feeling good.  We went into town to do some shopping today and she walked around really well, with no need for the wheelchair which we had needed last weekend.  The only thing now is her mouth. 

    The dentist ground down her denture again on friday and the left hand side of her mouth is now feeling fine but, unfortunately, the right hand side is still…

  • Friday July 16th - Mum feeling good!


    Mum has been taking her dexamethasone steroids since she saw the GP on Tuesday and is feeling so much better.  She's eating properly again and enjoying her food.  She has only had to take the new anti sickness meds twice since she started back on the steroids and her mood is so much better too.  She is now really looking forward to her holiday again which is great! 2 weeks tomorrow, Spain here we come!

    I have asked…

  • Tuesday July 13th - A better day!


    Mum didn't feel great this morning again but has felt better since late afternoon. 

    The GP came around lunch time, examined mum thoroughly and made a few suggestions re: meds.  So mum is back on the steroids, cyclisine (I think!) anti-sickness meds, movicol just in case she's constipated (she doesn't think she is but willing to give anything a go) and ensure plus to replace the fortisip which made her sick.…

  • Monday July 12th - The good day was short lived!


    After mum doing so well yesterday, today she has become increasingly nauseous.  She is surviving on a couple of slices of bread and a muller rice every day.  She won't drink the fortisip and is extremely fed up.  I feel so helpless and just don't know what to do.

    Her blood results showed that her potassium level was a tiny bit low but Christine says not enough for it to be causing any problems.  Everything else was…

  • Sunday July 11th - Today has been a good day?


    As most of you will know mum has not been feeling too good for quite a few weeks.  She has felt constantly nauseous and has eaten very little.  Tonight at tea time I asked her if there was anything she fancied to eat.  Recently the response to this question has been I'll try a wee bit of cheese on toast, a small plate of soup, a muller rice BUT tonight she threw me when she said I think I fancy sausage, potato scone, black…