Tuesday July 13th - A better day!

1 minute read time.

Mum didn't feel great this morning again but has felt better since late afternoon. 

The GP came around lunch time, examined mum thoroughly and made a few suggestions re: meds.  So mum is back on the steroids, cyclisine (I think!) anti-sickness meds, movicol just in case she's constipated (she doesn't think she is but willing to give anything a go) and ensure plus to replace the fortisip which made her sick.  He also stressed the need to drink plenty or she would get dehydrated and have to go into hospital.

The only thing she can face drinking is tea and bless her she has had quite a few cups today as well as trying some fizzy water which she didn't really like.  I got her prescription as soon as the GP left and she took her steroids and a cyclisine (need to check that out!) around 1.30pm.

Tonight at teatime she ate a small portion of stew and dumpling and a bit later had a banana and vanilla ice cream.  She has kept it all down, enjoyed it and isn't feeling nauseous.  Her mood has definitely lifted as a result.  I'm not going to get too excited yet as she enjoyed a meal on Sunday and then was awful on Monday but certainly today has been a better day and we are hoping that this will continue tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who has posted with support, ideas of what might be causing it and advice on what might help.  I was able to discuss much of it with the GP and it really helped in deciding on the best way forward.  You are all fab!!
