My mum has extensive sclc

  • Thursday October 21st - What's going on?


    Maybe I am a bit sensitive at the moment but over the last few days I have found some of the exchanges on this site very upsetting.  I don't need to go into details as I'm sure most of you have followed the threads posted by Graeme and John.  My most recent concern is a post titled 'Carers only forum'.  I've just clicked on this and, unless I'm mistaken, this is a forum which will only admit carers with an…

  • Sunday October 17th 2010 - 3 days 4 hours and 17 minutes!


    As I begin writing it has been 3 days 4 hours and 17 minutes since my lovely wee mum passed away.  During that time there has been a steady stream of texts, emails, phonecalls, visits and messages from friends and family and, ofcourse, from my mac friends.  I have hardly spent more than half an hour on my own but tonight I have insisted I sleep in the house on my own.

    I am doing ok as I've kept myself busy making the funeral…

  • Friday October 15th 2010 - She's gone!


    It has been 26 hours since my dear wee mum passed away.  I was holding her hand and talking to her when she just slipped away peacefully.  I had asked the nurse earlier in the morning if I would know when mum would go as I had been frightened to leave her side even to go to the loo in case she went when I wasn't there.  The nurse told me that she felt that it was the person dying who would choose when to go.  She explained…

  • Wednesday October 13th - It's a beautiful day but my heart is breaking!


    It is another beautiful day.  Mum slept thru the night and I at least got some rest in a proper bed.  Ellie said mum slept soundly apart from a couple of times when she was a wee bit restless.  The carers came at 7am and gave her a wash in bed.  They didn't get her dressed as she remained asleep throughout and is still sleeping now.  They tried to get her to take her meds but she said NO and has had nothing to eat or drink…

  • Tuesday October 12th - no appetite and struggling to swallow!


    Mum slept from 8pm last night until 6.30am this morning and I had a pretty good sleep.  I actually woke at 4.30am to go to the loo and mum was a wee bit restless but didn't wake and I fell over agin around 5ish.  The carers came at 7am and I went next door and had a brew with Gillian and the kids.  So I felt much more positive as the catheter and the lorazepam had seemed to do the trick in settling mum down.

    When I…