Thursday October 21st - What's going on?

1 minute read time.

Maybe I am a bit sensitive at the moment but over the last few days I have found some of the exchanges on this site very upsetting.  I don't need to go into details as I'm sure most of you have followed the threads posted by Graeme and John.  My most recent concern is a post titled 'Carers only forum'.  I've just clicked on this and, unless I'm mistaken, this is a forum which will only admit carers with an open profile, whatever that means.  Not only that but what really upset me was that there seems to be an indication that ex-carers would not be welcome and that usually ex-carers leave the site!

As you all know I am now an ex-carer, hadn't thought about that until I read the above named post.  I have had fabulous support from friends who are carers, ex-carers, patients, family members and friends and I hope I have given support to others.  Now that I'm an ex-carer I feel I need the support of my friends on here even more because when everyone drifts away after tomorrow I know my mac friends understand and will still be here for me.  I would also hope that I would be able to offer help and support to other members in the future, based on my experiences over the past 12 months.

I didn't know if I'd be able to get on the site whilst I was up here.  Now I'm wondering if I'd have been better staying away.  To all my friends on here, please know that I need you more than ever at the moment and I also know that you will be here for me and me for you.  You all know who you are!  God Bless. XX 

  • FormerMember

    I am very new to this site so cannot really offer much info to help you.  I am also a carer, looking after the elderly in their own homes while I am still able, but I suppose one day I may become an ex-carer.   I am available to chat and support you whenever I can.   Big friendly hug from me to you xx

  • FormerMember

    hello huni , ive been thinking of you lots and  lots and sending you so much strength,

    i felt very much same as you about the site ect yesterday as i said on emz blog ,ive also had to remove 3 of my blogs because of one persons wish to be negative and cause problems,

    But im going to say it again ,i will shout it if anyone cant hear me ,


    As an excarer /wife/widow/mother /friend /health care assistant ,and thats just me , this website is for all of us to love ,care and support each other , and for patients we will be their for each other ,

    caroline sorry but i feel very strongly at the moment ,this site is for us all ,

    always as the others are here for you caroline , lots of hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Once a carer - always a carer - only qualification is to have cared for someone and have a caring heart - and you have one.

    I feel the site needs people like you who have been through what they are going through and perhaps experiencing for the first time.  Your support would be invaluable.

    So when the group opens properly - go in and get the tea on and the biscuits ready!

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    you are still a carer, and also need a bit of care and support  now.This site would be nothing without the understanding of people like you,We are all sending you our love and thought at this time, as you have us and I am sure will continue to do for a long time.

     take care of yourself  and come back soon.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Not been in Chat much this week but have been thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. Your friends on here will always be here for you whenever you need us, just as you have been for others in the past.

    Massive hugs

    Maxine xxx