My mum has extensive sclc

  • Wednesday November 3rd - Went to my GP


    I managed to get an appointment with my GP this morning.  He told me that the way I am feeling is perfectly understandable and that he agreed I am not fit to work at the moment.  He has given me an initial sick note of 4 weeks but is happy to give me another one in four weeks time. 

    We also talked about the possibility of bereavement counselling, something I have had before and intend doing again anyway.  Seemingly there…

  • Tuesday November 2nd - Work worries!


    As many of you will know my boss has been so supportive throughout my mums illness.  During the last 12 months I have been able to come and go as I want, going in to teach lessons and then coming home to mum.  I attended every appointment mum had including all her chemo and RT.  When mum went into hospital on September 21st I was put on compassionate leave and haven't been back to work since.  My boss came to see me on…

  • Sunday October 31st - I'm in bits!


    Woke up this morning at 5.40am and decided I might as well get up and start to put the house to rights.  During the, almost, 12 months of mums illness I realised I have let things go and my mum was so house proud that I know it must have upset her that her rigorous regime of cleaning had gone to the wall.  I decided yesterday I would start with the kitchen and work my way through the house systematically.

    I began emptying…

  • Friday October 29th - A wee wobble!


    First of all the trip to London was fantastic.  Billy Elliot was amazing and Thomas, Charlotte, and even Kieran, danced and sang their way back to the hotel.  On Thursday morning we went to Covent Graden, having done Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Downing Street etc on Wednesday when we arrived.  We had a great time and headed back to Nualas for tea at around 3pm.  We left Nualas just after 6pm and were home by 10pm…

  • Monday October 25th - Back home!


    Today I travelled back home from Scotland.  I felt very sad when I said goodbye to my aunt and uncle and it would have been easy to just stay there but I knew I had to come home.  I couldn't delay the inevitable, it was important I came back today.

    Something I didn't realise I'd feel was very sad that I was leaving mum up there with dad.  I know it's what she wanted but I suddenly felt that if she was up there…