my journey back to me

  • 1 down 5 to go


    haven't been on for a while but I decided to day to come on and say how I feel about haveing just had my first chemo on wednesday, the actual chemo its self was fine , Dorathy my nurse is liovely shame she's retiring in a couple of weeks. but as the day when on I could feel the drugs taking over, by 10pm ( chemo at 1pm) i could keep my eyes open and I felt quesy but not too bad, OMG as the night went on i could sleep…

  • was I given duff information??


    So I've been to see the oncologist today, very nice lady doctor with a work experience girl in tow !! and she talks about what treatment i'm going to have - and yes it's what i expected 3 rounds of FEC and 3 rounds of Taxotere, then herceptin and lanezole BUT then she said and radiotherapy !!!!!! what !!thats the one treatment Sue the breast care nurse said i wasn't going to have  and i have a piece of…

  • and the result is ....


    Well now we know where we are splogging, I've been to see Sue my BC nurse today and got the results from my op. I'm confused, relieved anxious to get started and wishing it was all over all at once. Apperently  I have muti- focal invasive ductal cancer combined with low to high grade DCIS, 10 out of 22 nodes removed tested postive for cancer cells and I'm both ER+ and HER2+ so out of the 5 possible cancer treatments…

  • first part done !


    Right well here I am , 4 days post mastectomy and axilla node clearance,sat at my daughter'sdining room listerning to the rain bounce off the conservatory roof and how do I feel!!!!!

    sore, stiff , shell shocked and eternally grateful that the surgery went well and i am one (small) step closer to being back to me . According to the surgeon the operation went very well with no nasty surprises and they removed 3.2…

  • now 14.5 hours and counting


    well i'm sat here with only 14.5 hours to go till i finally go in for my mastectomy. These last 3 weeks have felt endless but i've had some amazing support from my friends in fact i've had a better social life in the last couple of months that i had for years . I found out that i have a lot more people who care about me than i ever thought and it's great , so many of them offering support and help, its going to be strange…