now 14.5 hours and counting

1 minute read time.

well i'm sat here with only 14.5 hours to go till i finally go in for my mastectomy. These last 3 weeks have felt endless but i've had some amazing support from my friends in fact i've had a better social life in the last couple of months that i had for years . I found out that i have a lot more people who care about me than i ever thought and it's great , so many of them offering support and help, its going to be strange for me to ask for help as i've lived alone for many years and got used to doing things for myself i also don't want to be a bother as i know people have their own lives to lead but i will ask and accept any help gratefully.

one thing i've learnt so far on this journey is the value of friendship , families are supposed to support you but true friends do it willing where as i've found families are completely lacking .but that could just be me

i'm packed and ready for tomorrow, i'm going out tonight with friends but no alcohol!! and i'm not sure how well i'll sleep tonight , i may be pottering around till late after all i'll get a good sleep tomorrow. At least i'll be one step closer to getting back to me but i think it will be a very different me

  • FormerMember

    Hi Elaine

    Good luck for tomorrow & hope all goes well xxxxxxxx

    Have a great evening out with your friends tonight xxxxxxxxxxx

    best wishes

    Annette x

  • FormerMember

    I have had the same experience as you with family(

    Good luck to you and I hope all goes well. Don't be afraid to have a small drinky tonight if you so fancy one!

    Lots of love to you.


  • FormerMember


    Hi Elaine

    You will be fine after your op, you are right, friends can sometimes make the difference....... You pull and sit with them if you feel like it.....You can beat this - my best friend has beat it, plus, positivity is what she seemed to have, throughout her ops and chemo and radio...... Treatment is working and luckily, getting rid of the cancer is seems to be what is happening in modern times - my friend Claire has fought and got rid of it from age 35 - now age 38.... All my very best positive vibe and thoughts to help you recover after your op. Alison XX