was I given duff information??

2 minute read time.

So I've been to see the oncologist today, very nice lady doctor with a work experience girl in tow !! and she talks about what treatment i'm going to have - and yes it's what i expected 3 rounds of FEC and 3 rounds of Taxotere, then herceptin and lanezole BUT then she said and radiotherapy !!!!!! what !!thats the one treatment Sue the breast care nurse said i wasn't going to have  and i have a piece of paper from the MDT meeting that doesn't have radiotherapy ticked as a treatment , so what is going on - well apperently the cancer in my lymph nodes had in some of them inflitrated outside the nodes so why didn't some one tell me this , i'm feeling let down , i trusted that i had been given the whole story but no it seems not, I was so pleased that i didn't have to have radiotherapy as i am concerned about developing lymphodema but my oncologist is talking about just doing radiotherapy to the lymph nodes in my neck . i'm going to see the dr who does the radiotherapy to discuss it ,of course as i want the very best outcome i'll had it but i wish i hadn't been told that it was not going to happen and then find out it is.

on the postive side i have to go back to see my oncologist next weekas she wants to talk to my cardiac consultant cos i had a congential heart defect and that might alter the treatment plan i also have  to get my bloods taken  and the paperwork signed so that i can start chemo the following week,i feel that things are starting to move  now , CT scan tomorrow ,bone scan next week and then chemo,just hope there are no morse surprises from the scans. Now I need to get this wound healed it is still very sore and tight and the seroma is building up again but having had it drained 7 times is enough so unless it gets really really painful i'm just going to massage it several times a day and hope it goes on its own .I also need to see who can take me to this other appointment , it's difficult when you can't drive and have to rely on friends and family . But overall i'm happy that i'm another step further on my journey

  • FormerMember

    Hi Elaine

    Sounds like you have the same type of cancer that I had.

    Sorry to read about the radiotherapy shock on top of everything else. I was initially told the same. Then they said 4 weeks.during a follow up appointment, We left in a state of shock I was called back and he Dr apologised and announced it was actually a 6 week course.


      Its hard to believe that I was where you are just over 2 years ago. Once I got over the shock I decided to let them throw whatever they could at me. Radiotherapy isn't so bad , honest. Just take all the advice you are given. I had radiotherapy on my neck, under arm and boob.. Stay strong and find humour in everything... It helps. 

    Good luck with everything 
