and the result is ....

1 minute read time.

Well now we know where we are splogging, I've been to see Sue my BC nurse today and got the results from my op. I'm confused, relieved anxious to get started and wishing it was all over all at once. Apperently  I have muti- focal invasive ductal cancer combined with low to high grade DCIS, 10 out of 22 nodes removed tested postive for cancer cells and I'm both ER+ and HER2+ so out of the 5 possible cancer treatments I'll be getting 4 , I'm missing out on the radiotherapy!. I will be having a CT and bone scan and should see my oncologist next week to discuss chemo, so I'm ready to programme the sat nav and get this show on the road. For me all this waiting is the worse thing as I think I've said before, I like to be in control and with cancer that control goes but hopefully now I can regain a little bit at least.

I had to have my seroma drained again for the 5th time  , I'm soooo bored with it now , the amount of fluid is reducing but it is still causing me a lot of pain especially at night and it is also making doing my exercises difficult but I keep being told that it will get better so I hope so.

I'm back at work from tomorrow, I'm working from home and my bosses are being amazing , I know it might seem very early for some people but apart from the finanical aspect , I live on my own and want  to feel more 'normal ' I will only be working at my own pace but  I need to do it , after all there is only so much daytime TV you can watch !!

Anyway thats another step on the road to recovery - it will be a long and winding road but with the support of all my family and friends I'll make it xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Elaine, that's a lot to take in. I wish you to very best with all the treatment ahead. Make the most of any support offered by friends and family. No doubt you will make many new friends along your route, both here and in the hospital. Good luck with the scans etc