Feeling gutted and upset

Less than one minute read time.

We got good news and bad at my post op check up.

Tumour was 25mm grade 3 and because of that I have to have Chemo.

Clear margins and no spread to nodes which is very positive news.

Had decided in my head that I wasent going ot have chemo, I have had long hair all my life and the though of losing it fills me with total dread, I know its not logical but thats me.

Also still have massive brusing and and some swelling which is uncomfortable when I try and sleep.

Bickering with my husband too as he says im worrying about things I shouldent be but I just need to get it all streight in my head and know whats happening.

I will be chilling and enjoying the racing this afternoon and then im taking my puppy to a working test tomarrow, at least now I know that the year is going to be a right off till Christmas with chemo followed by radio therapy lets hope that I dont get too bad a reaction and can still get out and about to things:))

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caz,

    I really hope you can enjoy the racing this afternoon and take a little bit of that incredible courage those horses have, take it in your heart and use it to be strong.

    I lost my hair twice and I remember crying at the thought of it going then when it went I felt liberated, free and you learn that looks don't save lives!!!!

    Lots of love to you, relax and enjoy the wonderful race xx

    Ruby x