work tomarrow

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Back to work tomarrow, not that im looking forward to it, ive not heard a word from them no card no nothing, what a lovely bunch of people in my office.

Im still pretty sore under my arm and tired.

Been looking at some wig's online in preperation can find same colour and style as my hair is now:((

Im propley getting ahead of the game again but want to know what choice im going to get when I see them next.

I have been reading up about 'cold cap' and various tips on how to get through chemo.

One thing that surprises me is I though that the forum's would be alot more active bearing in mind how many people get caner each year, a few groups I have signed up to have had no activity for months, and thats another thing seems everywhere I look on tv and in newspapers there is something about cancer at the moment.

  • FormerMember
    Hi caz. I totally agree, even the tesco shop had the cancer leaflets, every person I speak to someone has died or is ill with cancer, someone knows someone with cancer. Even at home. My neighbour had cancerous skin removed and the guy over the road is about to start his chemo! Final straw a child no older than six running about soft play with very little hair left.......... Cruel world, cruel disease, worst year of my life. I have found there is not much activity in some of the forums but still visit. I am finding writing the blog really helpful, not only to document my journey but helps my relieve a lot of stress, worry and anxiety out on the keyboard. Work can be tricky. I told my boss on Monday and I have been very lucky. My boss is fantastic and very supportive. She even offered to come round for tea if I just wanted to chat, however I am dreading going back to work. My team now know, I am overly emotional and dread the looks I'll get. I am normally the loudest one on the team laughing away and causing mischief. Always hard faced and willing to work no matter how I'll I feel. This time I honestly don't want to walk through the door, I dont want to face people, but once the first hurdle is out of the way it can only get easier. I wish you luck going back to work and hope it isn't too bad. X
  • FormerMember

    All my workmates know about it and my treatment so It wont be a surprise for then, my worry will be going back once I lose my hair or im wearing my wig:(( They arnt the best at staying home if they are ill which could be a problem once chemo starts.

    Got home to a nice bunch of flowers and a card from the slimming club I used to attend which was nice:)

    Im tired today though but apart from that ok