My journey

  • diamonds, friends, family and love


    Wow, was trying to catch up with all my mac family and posted as many responses as i could and realised there was no excuse, i needed to pass time as i am getting a bit jittery here i am updating my blog haha and still within the usual 2 /3 weeks .Sorted !

    Well i had my lunch with the girls last week and we had a great time i think we wished we could do it more often, they called me inspirational. No what…

  • Tears,Predictions, Laughter and freshly cut grass.


    Not sure how this will go as so much to put in so i expect deep, emotional and sentimental to be the basis as thats how i have been the last couple of weeks so apologies in advance if you are about to read this....

    Wow, not very good at this blog am I ?! I had wanted to write somthing every couple of days but it seems every couple of weeks is more the norm. Its probably because i know that writing it all down brings…

  • My Birthday


    yes it is ! yipee ! In all fairness i didnt expect to be celebrating today as i should have had my surgury on Wednesday and reconstructive yesterday but the lovely NHS forgot to book the theatre for yesterday so the whole lot had to be resceduled for 7th September !!! it has been awful the last few weeks  feeling tired and the endless sleepless nights and literally with less than 24 hours to go i got the call... i was…

  • Water Works


    some one has turned on my water works this weekend, will they please turn them off again. I am not talking about going to the bathroom im talking the ones that affect your eyes and my ever dwindling supply of kleenex .

    I have, for what appears to be endless amount of time, spent the last 24 hours either crying, on the verge of or just finished drying my eyes. Its not the first time i have felt so emotional since this…

  • sleepless night


    after just a couple of hours sleep i found myself wide awake and thinking how lucky i am to have such a loving and supportive husband and family. Andrew has been totally amazing since this all started and i never thought it was possible for us to be any closer or inded love him any more than i did but i do and it has lol I know these things can sometimes pull people apart but for me it has changed me made me think about…