Water Works

2 minute read time.

some one has turned on my water works this weekend, will they please turn them off again. I am not talking about going to the bathroom im talking the ones that affect your eyes and my ever dwindling supply of kleenex .

I have, for what appears to be endless amount of time, spent the last 24 hours either crying, on the verge of or just finished drying my eyes. Its not the first time i have felt so emotional since this all started but before i'd have a good cry and be ok for a couple of days. I have even given up trying to make myself look better with a little mascara as 2 minutes later its half way down my cheek.

Tried to get an appointment with the doctor today as my dizzy spells aren't getting better and this very suspicious looking bruise around my eye is not going.... if i had been hit by mike tyson i doubt it would have looked any worse. I cant get an appointment till friday ! Apparently all i can do is call every morning ( along with the rest of the surgury no doubt) and try and get a last minute appointment for the same day. I might just call my consultant and see if they can explain it. My surgury is only 16 days away now and i am getting very nervous about saying goodbye to the face that i know and seeing what type of nose i'll be given. I saw a programme yesterday about plastic surgury, not the best idea, and the surgeon was giving this guy a nose job. Whilst he was chisleing away at his bone he added that plastic surgury on the nose is very delicate and that the slightest error can change a persons look forever and can cause extreme lack of self esteem and confidence. I really need to check my surgeon out , someone please pass me his credentials..........

I am now half way through 'The C-Word' what an amazing book, i would recommend it to anyone. She suffered from breast cancer but what she writes about, the emotional journey would hit a note with anyone on thier cancer journey and will really give an insite to carer's about what the sufferer goes through emotionally. Her husband was amazing. Just like mine really. He has been my rock and shoulder to cry on. he has held me and comforted me and every day tries to make me laugh.

Its my birthday 2 days after the surgury and we have decided to have a meal out this week and then a day out next week so that i have 2 things to look forward to before the big day. Right now i had better go and practice keeping my mascara on  then........kleenex anyone.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette,

    Why dont you pay your A&E a visit they might be able to help. Its worth a try.  Look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx