diamonds, friends, family and love

4 minute read time.

Wow, was trying to catch up with all my mac family and posted as many responses as i could and realised there was no excuse, i needed to pass time as i am getting a bit jittery here i am updating my blog haha and still within the usual 2 /3 weeks .Sorted !

Well i had my lunch with the girls last week and we had a great time i think we wished we could do it more often, they called me inspirational. No what i did was cook lunch, made a fuss of them and acted normal lol. they dont let me get away with anything and didnt even offer to wash up , whats all that about, waitress service am i ? do you know what i love them so much for it they are the most supportive and loving friends. I also had a day out with my oldest (not in age) friend last week . we have known each other for 26 years and met when we were nannies in Oslo and been friends ever since. She has seen me through so much over the years and sends me texts every couple of days to give me support. Love you gwennie.

So pre op was on Friday, so very hot and had to drive to London to st georges and it was 30c what was that all about ? one houir later and talking to some really nice nurses we hit the traffic home and just as rush hour started, nearly 2 hours later i got home and hubbie had a nice large glass of wine waiting for me and my mum. Bless her she has come up nearly every week to help and support me and it takes her hours to get here. She is coming back when i get out so that Andrew can still go to work and take the pressure off him a little, poor hubbie is beside himself but deserves a gold star.....talking of which...

before the hospital appointment i got a call from our local catalogue company to say a ring id admired had come in, its a real sparkler 5 cubic circonias about 3/4 carat each and a bit of metal to hold it together but it looks so pretty and was next to nothing so told hubbie he bought it for me to wish me good luck and add a bit of sparkle to my days....... still doesnt managed how he did it and now he's worried he is forgetting post operative earrings lol.

Been to gp today to stock up on the good old tramadol as the hospital said i wont want to go out for a couple of weeks as i will look awful (great!) actually i already knew that as ive done my research as you do.... Anyway showed her my lump and she wanted someone at the hospital to check it out but as im seeing consultant on wednesday agreed that he could deal with organising more biopsies and scans etc More to worry about but hey at this rate i might as well ask for a new face, have to admit after 44 years i have grown accept the one i have , a new one scares me and thats half my problem i think. Anyway back to tramadol....god how it ruins your insides so she has given me long term laxatives, nothing sems to be working at the moment i just hope i dont have any embarressing moments in theatre, oh well at kleast ill be asleep lol.

Have had lots of fun this afternoon uploading photos, just a few one of my handsome hubbie and i on our wedding day last year and two , one each of my daughters. I will add more as time goes by of all my 'rea'l family and hope to see more pictures of my mac family too.

So last day tomorrow think i will spend it on here and looking in the mirror saying goodbye to my nose, doing a litle housework and trying to remain sane .

No one ever asks me 'what am i scared of' if the did i would answer them truthfully, like my big sis its not of dying but leaving people especially my hubbie to deal with things and having to care for me. Even at my pre op last week i was asking more questions hubbie related, like who will keep an eye on him, who will tell him where he can find me, who will show him where to get a drink etc. dont get me wrong he is a more than capable person a fully grown man with a mouth and more than enough comman sense but i suppose worrying about him helps me not to focus on me and i do love him so much, my heart breaks when i see him worying so much, he calls me his Angel and one thing is for sure if anything happens to me i will always love and look over hima nd protect as best i can as i would for all those i love ..............


  • FormerMember

    Nodded off on the sofa, woke up and the site is still on, so just nipping in to say...

    Biggest biggest hug to you and I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes and keeping appendages crossed etc etc.

    I know you will be nervous, but we will be here for you and you get shiny post op earrings too now...

    plus you are such a beautiful person that a nose will make no difference to you cos your beauty shines through anyway... and of course you will have a beautiful nose too!

    and sorry if I sent you off down that track... come back off it as I have now, and we will be ok

    If I don't speak tomorrow, take care lil sis and let us know how it went as soon as you can and we will be thinking of you lots and lots and lots

    Biggest hug to my little sis

    Big sis xxxxxxxxxx

    ps if that was a ramble, sorry- too tired so not sure what is coming out.... (what's different I hear you say...) :o)

  • FormerMember

    You will be fine! I had nose and mouth op and yes I look different my nose is a bit flat and my mouth droops A bit but I'm still here! I don't like it but I'm getting used to it. I'm 8 weeks out of treatment and it gets easier and you find strenghth you never knew you had! Cry if you want to and you will find that you are sming again.

    Jayne x

  • FormerMember

    Annette, you are an inspiration to me.  The joy you find in the little things is what gets me through the days too.  Spending time with family and friends just makes me feel I can cope with anything that's thrown at me.

    Your love for your hubby, and his for you, shines through your blog and the fact the man also showers you with shiny sparkly things, definitely makes him a keeper!

    I know your feeling apprehensive, and you'd be a bit strange if you didn't, but I'm sending positive vibes for the next few days to get you through the surgeries, not just safely, but with the best nose job on the planet!

    Hope you find some fun things to do to distract yourself today - perhaps you should be looking for a nice post-op pressie from your hubby?  You'll have some jewellery colelction at the rate you're going...

    Lots of love and a massive hug from me,

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Oh you are the sweetest family, you have reduced me to tears with all your kind and lovely words. I am so lucky to have met you all, i have taken the relaxing day to the extreme still in my dressing gown watching films. My internet connection keeps going but i will try and come back later after a bath so i can write you all.

    LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO Much xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck Annette! Think I may have written the same on our other site, but as some comments disappear it can't hurt to do it again!

    I'm sure that you will be fine, and your courage will get you through. I do know what you mean about worrying about everyone else....just before my stem cell transplant I was furiously getting in touch with people saying can you look after....if the worst happens.

    Keep smiling and thinking of the wonderful people who are sending their love.

    BIG HUGS xxxxxxxxxx