My Birthday

1 minute read time.

yes it is ! yipee ! In all fairness i didnt expect to be celebrating today as i should have had my surgury on Wednesday and reconstructive yesterday but the lovely NHS forgot to book the theatre for yesterday so the whole lot had to be resceduled for 7th September !!! it has been awful the last few weeks  feeling tired and the endless sleepless nights and literally with less than 24 hours to go i got the call... i was devastated, poor Andrew was beside himself with worry ( we have the added worry of a breast problem now waiting on tests) This shouldnt be allowed to happen and the reason for waiting a full 4 weeks? the plastic surgeon is away next week and then my skin surgeon is away for 2, great !

Anyway as it is i get to celebrate my birthday so mum is coming up for the weekend ( she was going to come and look after me so we decided to keep the plans and celebrate instead) Andrew and I have had some quality time together as he had already booked the time off work so we have had lots of cuddles on the sofa and we even went to the pictures yesterday, life when its 'normal' is so great, can't wait for all this to be finally behind us.

So what do i do now for the next four weeks, im tired but may have a chat with my boss and see if there is anything i can do for a couple of weeks to help pass the time just not customer facing havent the energy for that or do i stay home and look after myself and enjoy being a housewife for a little longer.......

In the mean time.....birthday cards are on the mantle, hubbie has smoked salmon for me for breakie and cake with the family this weekend, sounds like a birthday im going to enjoy so until a sensible hour arrives i had better go back to bed and try and sleep and give my amazing hubbie a cuddle.

  • FormerMember

    Happy Birthday annette, the 4 weeks will have passed before you know it.

    Bee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette - a very happy birthday! I am sure that you will find something more interesting than work to do over the next 4 weeks!! Best of luck with your op - kind regards John

  • FormerMember


    Happy Birthday to yooou

    Hpayy Birthday to yoooou

    Happy Birthday deeeaaar Anne-ette

    Hayy birthday toooo yooooooooou

    Enjoy slobbing on the sofa, with smoked salmon and cake...!

    Have a lovely day and good luck with the op and oooh there are so many fun things you could do for 4 weeks.... work? nah!

    Birthday hug to you

    Little Myxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Annette,

    Happy Birthday, and many of them. Have a great weekend.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx