is the cancer back?

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well i have a strange boob, it has a hard area and is weeping, i wake up in the morning with a crusty nipple which isnt normal, i have had a discharge since having my daughter 17 yrs ago, because i carried on prodiucing milk, but its different the area is hard and its a bit liek having mastitus when breast feeding. it does worry me thats it another cancer but in another way its finally madfe me decide over the mastectomy, i cant live with this fear, so i am going to see a breast surgeoin and plastic surgeon and am going to have a mastectomy, the gentesist believes its genetic so i might as well...

walked over 7 miles yesterday so know now i can do the Race for Life which i am on june 13th 2010.....legs hurt though but great day yesterday, walked all along the southbank and the tour of the Emirates was fab - shame the players werent in the changing rooms though lol
