My Cancer diary

  • Day 58


    Originally published 7/5/13

    Cancer. Bloody cancer. It's something I hope that anyone reading my diary doesn't have personal experience of. I mean, its a bit of a shit, isn't it? Its not a disease like MS or TB, not one with - strictly speaking anyway - an external cause. Cancer is your own body going mad, a simple error of DNA replication which causes uncontrolled cell growth and division.

    This means, for…

  • Day 57


    Originally Published 6/5/13

    What a nice day its been, blue skies and sunshine all day. Like most people faced with this kind of weather, our household decided to do some gardening. 

    I managed to do a bit, nothing heavy, de-weeding the lawn, bit of raking leaves, nothing much. Honestly, I sit here now typing this with my neck and shoulders aching like Christ knows what. If feel like I've done a major upper body session…

  • Day 56


    Originally published 5/5/13

    It's hard to believe I'm on day 56, it seems like only yesterday that I first found out about it - never mind the three weeks since the operation.

    Once again I found myself needing a nap this afternoon, its not like I did that much, but there I was after lunch - flaked out on the sofa. I really would have thought that I'd be past this by now, but I really don't know why I get so tired…

  • Day 55


    Originally Published 4/5/13

    Well, I made it out to the cinema with friends, which was great. It was really nice to switch my brain off for a couple of hours and forget everything. It's surprising just how much time you spend thinking about cancer and chemo and radiotherapy - you try not to, but its there all the time eating away at you (possibly literally) and making you think about it.

    The thing that got me today…

  • Day 54


    Originally published 3/5/13

    Not sure what to make of today, its been a odd sort of day.  Tiredness has gotten at me again, not sure why, I was ok this morning – but this afternoon I have felt shattered.  I’ve not done a massive amount, but nonetheless I have felt really tired.

    This is one of those times that I hate having this damned cancer, I’m not in control.  I do wonder if I am missing something from…