Day 56

1 minute read time.

Originally published 5/5/13

It's hard to believe I'm on day 56, it seems like only yesterday that I first found out about it - never mind the three weeks since the operation.

Once again I found myself needing a nap this afternoon, its not like I did that much, but there I was after lunch - flaked out on the sofa. I really would have thought that I'd be past this by now, but I really don't know why I get so tired. My only guess is diet - still - I think in am getting about two thousand calories but I don't know. I have managed to gain a little weight, not much - maybe a pound - but it actually felt good to see the scale go up rather than down for once. Bear in mind that I have been consistently losing weight for nearly five months now, despite my best efforts, along with major problems with loss of appetite.

I thought my appetite was returning when I came home, but the last few days its gone again. I'm not even hungry in the morning and sometimes I really have to force down some breakfast. The closest I have gotten to feeling hungry was a passing feeling of being peckish when I got back from the cinema yesterday, today I have not felt hungry once - the same as the day before yesterday.

I do wonder why its doing it, I am someone that is used to eating well - having a healthy appetite, as they say. I have, up till recently, never been any different. As a child I always eat plenty, I've also always eaten a wide variety of food. I enjoy seafood particularly, but recently that's all gone. I am rarely hungry and I don't often really enjoy what I am eating, I can't say why, its a total mystery to me, but this liquid and purée diet really isn't agreeing with me I think. I need a big fat steak, with a jacket potato and salad to get my appetite going, but I really don't like the idea of putting it in the blender first.
