My Cancer diary

  • Day 64


    Another day closer to the impending doom of chemo and radio. Oh joy of joys.  I have managed to get some work done today, which was nice.  Some of you might consider that an odd statement, but getting some work done meant that not all of my day was taken up with things related to cancer.  In other words its another step closer to what my life used to be like before the cancer.  I'll take those steps however I can :-)


  • Day 62


    Another Saturday done, been a quiet sort of day. The kids spent a good chunk of the afternoon down the park playing, which is good, we had that little monkey of a granddaughter come round for a couple of hours, which is always nice. Shame I fell asleep again on the sofa whilst she was here, I rather feel like I missed out a bit.

    Other than that, nothing much has been going on, I have once again gone the entire day without…

  • Day 61


    So.  What a day today has been.  I got a last moment appointment for my "planning" session for the radiotherepy - in, wait for it, Maidstone.  Some nonsense about refurbishment and the wrong kind of CT scanner ruling out a much more sensible William Harvey or Kent and Canterbury which are much closer to home.

    Oh well, a 40 min drive is hardly high on my list of complaints right not, so off I toddle.  It started at…

  • Day 60


    Wow.  Day 60? Seems like a damned lifetime now, I'm not sure I can remember what it was like not to have the damned thing hanging over me now.  I certainly can't remember what its like not to have Cancer at the top of your list of things to worry about.

    Its certainly put things into perspective, I guess. I don't get stressed about being late with the morning school run any more - what would be the point - I also don…

  • Day 59


    Well today started badly, it bloody well chucked it down this morning. I awoke feeling very tired too, another night where I seemed to sleep in two halves - one from about 10-2am then another stretch from 3-6.  Unfortunately the second stretch seems to come in spurts of maybe 45 mins or an hour, I am constantly waking up it feels like.

    The day improved though, I made contact with the private healthcare people and they f…