My Cancer diary

  • Day 71


    As the dreaded treatments draw ever closer I find myself making unexpected progress.  I continued to try and find things I could eat, things to practice with.  At home alone is a good time to attempt this, I can get into a mess or spit things out without getting any comments from children or generally just grossing people out.  

    To this end I went to the shops after the morning school run.  My original intention was to (apart…

  • Day 70


    I find myself wondering how some ideas have gotten fixed in my head.  Rather like the idea that I had to predominately use one side of my mouth to eat and drink over the other AND how on earth I managed to do this with the wrong side.  Thinking back on it there were only a few occasions that lead me to have problems swallowing water (once I was properly allowed to try) at the hospital.  I was, I am fairly sure, doing this…

  • Day 69


    I have pushed myself a bit further again today, we went out this morning and took the youngest two out down town.  I braved the barbers to get my hair cut figuring that it would be my last chance before starting the treatments (and then I would most likely not feel like it).  I felt a bit less self concious about being out and about today, not sure why.  Perhaps I am accepting the scars and the way I sound a little more…

  • Day 67


    I still don't understand what some people expect you know.  You see lots of people with problems - hell maybe you read my diary and think to yourself - poor guy, I'm glad I'm not him! - well don't.  There are times when I feel sorry for myself, you always try to remain positive about things, but cancer is a horrible and scary thing.  The operation and post operative consequences of having 70% of your tongue…

  • Day 66


    Yet another day gone, yet another day closer to the dreaded treatments.  Still not sure how I feel about it, after feeling very stressed and down yesterday I wasn't much better this morning. It didn't help that I had to see the hospital dentist today.  Now, whats worse than going to the dentist?  Going to the dentist when they are specifically looking to see if you need any kind of work done (no matter how small) …