My Cancer diary

  • Day 77


    My stomach continues to gradually settle down, the tube site still aches and my stomach muscles feel tender still but the gas seems to be slowly easing.  It *is* bad though, the trapped wind is the absolute worst.  It even woke me up last night, sitting here now I can feel my shoulders start to ache which means another attack is imminent.

    I have been getting daily visits from the district nurses, they are very nice and…

  • Day 76


    So I seem to be suffering less today with gas and indigestion after the feeding tube was fitted, I've eaten a little better but not up to my previous standards.  I am sitting here typing this now with a touch of heartburn that I know is going to build into trapped wind.  Once I have finished this entry I will have to go hit the Gaviscon again.  I hate that stuff.

    There is a hell of a lot to do to care for this damned tube…

  • Day 75


    Another day gone, another day closer to those damned treatments.  Today has been a day of visits by various nurses to check on and drill the care of the feeding tube into me.  Yes, I have this lovely little plastic socket in my stomach now, with a little tube hanging down.  I can now pump water, food (provided its a liquid, of course) and medicine direct into my stomach.  Lovely.  The darned thing has caused me grief today…

  • Day 74


    So, no diary yesterday as I was in the hospital having the PEG feeding tube done in preparation for treatments starting next week.  I have spoken before about how I wasn't looking forward to it, nothing much changed my mind before I went in.  Unfortunately it took 5 or 6 attempts to get a bloody cannula in me to give the sedative (at this point I thought it was going to be full general anesthetic). After about the fourth…

  • Day 72


    So.  Peg fitting tomorrow and I get all the gory details on the chemo.  Joy of joys.  It also means a overnight stay for the PEG - not that this bothers me that much but who enjoys a night on the ward?

    On another note, after yesterdays adventures with trying to eat normal food I have, possibly as a direct result, suffered with constant indigestion today.  Everything has repeated on me and I have had heartburn all day.  Gaviscon…