Day 93, chemo 3/6, radio 10/33

1 minute read time.

Another long day over with, these chemo days just drag.  At least then central line I had done saved any mucking about with them trying to find a vein and get a cannula in it.  I don't know what it is about my veins, but they are damned cowards. First sign of a needle and they go hiding. Of course the chemo makes you veins worse, it really does them in apparently, so they stood no chance with me.  

At least the central line solves that bit of nonsense, they just hooked me straight up and we were off.  In fact we finished the chemo early, I thought I was going to be back in time to see the kids pretty much straight after school, but I'd forgotten the dreaded radio.  So much for being early, I ended up waiting about an hour to see the machine for my daily dose of xrays.  I keep asking when I will glow in the dark but they won't tell me, I don't think they take me very seriously, I think its important to know these things, think of the night time savings on lights. I dunno, they also don't know at what point my risks of becoming like the hulk go up.  They should know this sort of important information to set a patients fears at rest :-) 

I have made a new online friend - you know who you are - who has fought and beaten the big c no less than five times since his twenties, which is an amazing feat.  It shows just indomitable the human spirit is, it certainly makes my fight seem all the more winnable.  I've noticed this about cancer, people seem to develop a little of steel in their souls with it.
