my big boy

  • update 10/12/10


    Well Brandon seems to be doing good he is doing everything the doctors told him he couldnt . He loves his new school and he is doing judo again and at school he is doing rugby and football. He is over doing it but im not stopping him he needs to know his own limits. Some days are good and some are still bad he still gets tired and that frustrates him but i tell him what he knows and he is fine x

     My girl has been hard…

  • my boy


    Brandon went for his check up and i was so so so worried cause he is getting more tired and out of breathe than before. When i picked him up from school he was a mess covered in dirt so i cleaned him up at took him to see the doc. the doc gave him an x ray and done breathing tests on him and it came back he is ok. I was so relieved when the doc said that. The doc asked me when did we see brandons surgeon i told him we…

  • a year without my dad


    Well thats a year today my dad passed away. I have been all over the place today snapping at people then crying and laughing. it has been a tough one but i got through it. We got chinese lanterns and lit them for my dad it was so nice. when the light faded my girl said that my dad got the message. It felt good i know that sounds stupid but it has made me feel a bit better. i have a smile on my face tonight and the kids…

  • What can i say


    Well thats the first fathers day without my dad and it was so hard. My brothers didnt even mention him they where acting as if he didnt even exist and that has upset me alot. How can they do that he was the most important man in our life and they dont care. I went and sat in my mums room where my dad ashes are and spent a bit of time talking to him i just wish he could have gave a hug and told me that he loves me and…

  • Everything seems to be ok


    Just a quick blog to let you all know that brandon is doing great his hair is all back. He starts secondary school in august so he is looking forward to that. I have to have a meeting with the school about him but im sure that will be fine. Im doing ok still keeping my head above water. Everything seems to get on top of me alot quicker since brandon has been in remission. I still think of my dad every minute of every…