my big boy

  • the finish line at last


    What can i say today is a great day . My boy has done it got the all clear im so so so happy and proud of him. As soon as the doctors told him he said he wants to join the gym on monday. I have said wait till they take the port out which happens on the 29th then he can do what ever he wants. Its just not quick enough for him he is a trooper .

    Im doing ok still dont believe it but it will sink in and i will be ovewr the…

  • Hope this year is better than last one


    I thought i would let you all know how the wee man is doing. On one hand he is doing good and the other not so. He only has another 2 chemo to get so he should be finished for the end of febuary. hes to get test done cause he is having a constant pain in his eye so they want to check it. Sorry i havent been in for a while but i have been busy dealing with everything and helping my frind through some hard times. i send…

  • My Brave Soldier Boy


    I thought it was about time i put some good news on here. My boy only has another 4 blocks of chemo to go then he will get tested to see if he needs anything else. So everyone keep your fingers crossed for him, he is doing good and acting more like my boy which i love to bits. He is back at school full days and even though the doctors have told him to take it easy he was playing football at school. He is starting to relise…

  • My Brave Boy


    Brandon has had another block of chemo and isnt doing that well. He is losing weight even when hes taking his build up drink so they are trying him on new tablets to see if that will help. This chemo is knocking it out of him this is only the 3rd of 7 , he was only ment to get 7 blocks but the nurse said yesterday hes down for 8 to 16 blocks and i went mental. I havent seen his consultant since august just before brandon…

  • Finding it ha rd


    Its starting to hit me that my dad isnt here anymore for the advice and support he gave me. Im missing him so much and im trying to be strong for brandon but i feel as if im spiraling out of control the now. My dad was the one that would tell me how everything is going to be ok and just take it easy. When im worried about brandon he would be there to tell me he will be ok and now hes not. Brandon has became a bit withdrawn…