What can i say

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Well thats the first fathers day without my dad and it was so hard. My brothers didnt even mention him they where acting as if he didnt even exist and that has upset me alot. How can they do that he was the most important man in our life and they dont care. I went and sat in my mums room where my dad ashes are and spent a bit of time talking to him i just wish he could have gave a hug and told me that he loves me and hes proud of me. I miss him so much and it doesnt seem to get any easier . I feel as if i dont know who i am anymore and thats scary i used to be happy go lucky and now i feel as if there is a dark cloud following me. Dont get me wrong im so happy Brandon is better and he is doing good but when he wasnt well i didnt have a chance to feel this way. Now i dont know who i am or what to do. Im sorry for venting in here but im finding it hard

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire,

    You are grieving for your Dad,you are missing him so much.Your brothers on the other hand where afraid to show their feelings.Grieving takes a long long time to ease,so it wont be easy for you or your Mum and the same goes for your Brothers. So you grieve your way and let your brothers do it their way.

    The main thing is you all Loved your Dad,and he Loved you.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Claire - don't apologise for how you feel. I know how hard it is to have father's day without your dad (I've just had to deal with it for the second time in my life). Just close you eyes and you'll be able to feel his love still with you. Take it from me, it will ease in time, but give yourself time. And I agree with Sarsfield about some men and grief, so don't be too hard on them. Sending you love and support. Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Choc

    41 years on I still miss my dad and really that's how it should be,our dads were/are the most important man in our life (not counting Brandon and my grandson of course) and will always be missed but the pain won't always be so sharpe

    take care


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for you words of encouragement i dont know what i would do with you xxxxx