My Amazing Dad

  • Daddy's girl...


    I feel so up and down at the moment. I literally feel like my heart is physically breaking at times....I can burst into tears in the middle of a coffee shop (which i did the other day which caused a lot of stares!)...and I just feel so helpless. My dad is very very tired....he last had chemo 4 weeks ago & apparently it is due to the cumulative effects of the chemo. Some days I look at him and I think he has…

  • Posh afternoon tea giggles...


    We went for afternoon tea on a very posh manor house near us. It was something neither me, dad or my hubby had done before and since mum & dad had a voucher for afternoon tea, me and Marc decided to go with them and be posh for the afternoon :)

    Dad has had a bit of pain since Friday evening...sort of like a sharp twinge in his side. He played it down when he told me about it....and as usual tried…
  • The waiting game begins again...


    My Dad has now finished his 4 chemo now is the waiting game
    again. We find out a week on Thursday (May 16th) whether Dad can have more
    treatment (maintenance chemo) or whether we just "wait for it to take its
    natural course...". To say I'm scared is an understatement. I am trying to stay
    positive but I know that Dad most probably will have to have a scan before they
    can do anything....What…

  • Two types of teardrops...


    My Dad had his check up with the consultant last Thursday - he has had 2 out of 4 chemo sessions so it was to discuss how he was getting on. Well the last time we saw this consultant he had told my Dad that without treatment he would only have 6 months to live. So in the waiting room my Dad looked SO scared. He had no colour in his face...his eyes looked sad...and he was shaking. It took everything I had to…

  • In a dark place :(


    I am going to do a blog post on our Wedding day very soon - but I want to write that when I have more time and I can properly reflect on the amazing day that it was. My Dad did AMAZING....he was SO proud and he did us ALL was the bestest day of my life xxx

    Since the Wedding I have struggled a lot. Leading up to the Wedding I had so much to plan & was looking forward to it SO much that it really…