In a dark place :(

6 minute read time.

I am going to do a blog post on our Wedding day very soon - but I want to write that when I have more time and I can properly reflect on the amazing day that it was. My Dad did AMAZING....he was SO proud and he did us ALL was the bestest day of my life xxx

Since the Wedding I have struggled a lot. Leading up to the Wedding I had so much to plan & was looking forward to it SO much that it really helped..not just me but everyone else too...especially Dad. Now...I just feel lost.

Dad has had 2 lots of chemo & touch wood he has reacted bad side effects...just tiredness on the days when his blood count is low (he has it once every 3 weeks - so the 2nd week is the bad week). He literally amazes me. I see him every evening after work & spend all weekend with him....I text & speak to him on the phone when I'm not with him...the bond I feel with him is so strong & I cannot even put into words how proud I am of him. He said to me last night that he felt really tired yesterday - "But i'm not going to lie on the sofa & give I cleaned all upstairs" he said. It's like he will not let this beat him. He's fighting it with everything he has...I am literally bursting with pride. He has always been my hero but seriously he is the most inspirational person I have ever met.

Saturday night me & Marc went round & cooked him chilli...we did mozzarella, rocket & cherry tomatoes for a starter and he went ga ga over it!!! Seriously...he is always SO appreciative of anything we do for him. He then had 1.5 plates of the chilli we cooked for him...he loved it!! Then we watched our Wedding video. LUCKILY me & Marc had watched it twice the night before and I had cried my eyes out then so I could hold it together better when we watched it with Mum & Dad. Mum looked so upset when she was watching it - I don't think she's coping very well with everything :( The video was of the most amazing moments was when Dad walked in the room & saw me in my dress the first time...we got that caught by the video man & by the photographer - just magical.

Another favourite time of the video was when my Mum & Dad were interviewed by the videoman...Dad got really emotional & said: "What I will carry on treating each other like you have done since day 1 & you will be fine for the rest of you lives..."...that is something I will ALWAYS remember. He also said how proud he was of just brings a lump to my throat every time I think of it. The video captured moments when Dad struggled to hold his emotions together...times I didn't see where he was stood/sat behind or next to me. Like in my vows...there was one moment when I got emotional & at that EXACT moment my Dad looked up & took a deep breath (this is what he does when trying to not cry/let his emotions out!)...that was captured in a photograph and on the video too...just amazing.

I will talk more about our Wedding in a separate post as there is too much to say.

I am worried so much about the future. I keep thinking what in the world am I going to do without my dad? And I can’t imagine not ever seeing him again..I feel SO close to him & I just love sitting there talking to him every night...I love laughing & joking with him...I just do not know how I am going to cope. He is the person I go to for advice…he is so understanding…he knows how to deal with me when I am having a bad day…he makes everything ok!!! Sometimes it doesn't even seem really just seems so so unfair :(

I can already feel myself getting pretty depressed…knowing that when we lose him things will never ever be the same again and I won’t ever feel happy again…just really hard to accept.

Dad is fighting...he's fighting with everything he has. He's lost weight but he's eating really well at the moment - sometimes he seems so well that it's almost like there is nothing wrong...then you remember and it hits you SO hard. I would do ANYTHING to take this away from Dad. I don't want him to have to go through this...I don't want him to be frightened...I don't want him to have any pain & to lose this fight :(

I’m worried about my mum too…she sits all evening just staring at her phone or her laptop and you talk to her and it’s like she’s not there. I’m not sure how she will cope…I’m worried about where she will live too when we lose Dad... Me & marc have worked out that we will need to get a cheaper/smaller house as we won’t be able to afford it otherwise if one of us was to lose our job or when I go on maternity leave. I worry about where my mum will live & where she will afford to live as our house wouldn’t be big enough for her to live with us…

I’m also worried about my job as I’m not sure how I will cope when things get worse with dad….it’s all just a huge worry…

We’ve got an appointment with the consultant on Thursday…hopefully he will say dad is ok to go ahead with the final 2 courses of chemo and then we need to find out if they are going to try anything else.

Last night dad said about a concert he wanted to go to in October…then he said “but we can’t book it as we just don’t know…” and he seemed so so down…October is a long way off and if he fits in with statistics he won’t be here….

I know I need to be positive...I just feel sick to the stomach ALL the time lately :( My moods have been so up & times I've taken it out on Marc...when he is not only my husband but my best friend...I need him more than ever yet at times I feel like I push him away. Thankfully he is the most amazing person & understands and is just so patient & is just there for me. He reminds me SO much of my Dad...they are both so alike in their ways...

I sat having my lunch yesterday & cried my eyes out. I just felt SO alone...I know I am not but I just feel so so frightened...

I have noticed how some friends clearly do not know what to say....some have not been supportive at all which hurts...But I just do not have the energy to focus on that.

All that matters right now is my wonderful Dad and my family xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarahmay,

    it sounds as if your wedding turned out to be brilliant, with your Dad so proud and happy. I'm looking forward to the full blog!

    Now it's all over and you've come down to earth with a great big bump, and it hurts. You feel there's nothing to look forward to and everything is sheer misery. May I suggest that part of your feeling so awful is that you keep looking too far ahead? Your blog is full of "what-if" and "won't it be terrible" and "how will I cope?" . That is one sure way to make yourself ill, if not physically then with a dose of reactive depression. Stop right now, please! We who've had a bit more experience of this filthy disease keep on telling people "baby steps", and "one day at a time", because we know first-hand that trying to deal with things before they've happened is a recipe for disaster - honestly, it will cripple you so you can't make the most of what you HAVE got.

    Your Dad is a great example for you - he gets on with it and tries not to dwell on what MIGHT be so that he can enjoy today to the best of his ability. Of course he gets his down moments - but the one you describe, about booking something for October and then thinking he might not be around, is an example of looking too far ahead.

    I think what you need to do is some spur-of-the-moment stuff, like a trip out at the weekend (weather permitting!). They say there could be a heatwave soon, so could a day at the seaside for you all be fitted in? 

    I can see you're extremely close to your Dad, and it sounds marvellous. I never had that experience but for you it's a relationship to treasure. Be glad you have it - so many don't.

    Take care, and have some hugs too,

    Love, Twirly xxx


  • FormerMember
    Sarahmay. Every time i read your blogs my heart breaks. I'm in. The same position as you but as twirly says. Take it one day at a time. I hurt all the time. I could lose my husband who I have been married to for only 8 months,my best friend. I could lose my home (another story) and my way of life. I constantly feel sick to the stomach and burst into tears at the drop of a hat. I had never seen the love of my life cry until this horrible shitty disease and now its quite frequent. Especially now as his hair is starting to thin. We are straying to stay positive and give this disease a good kicking. Hubby is exactly the same as he was 3 years ago when he first lost some weight thank god and we hope and pray I get to keep him a lot longer. You will drive yourself crazy thinking so negatively. At the beginning you were unsure if your dad could have chemo and worried yourself over it and he has and is doing great. Listen to Twirly, she is an angel sent to look out for us all I'm sure. Keep your chin up babe. Sending you lots and lots of hugs and love. Jo xxx xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Twirly and Jo...

    I would just like to say a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart for
    two things...firstly for taking the time to read my long post (I do ramble..!)
    & secondly for your kind & very wise words. You really gave me the kick
    up the backside I needed yesterday to focus on TODAY not tomorrow, next week,
    next month etc..

    I spent a lovely evening with Marc, Dad and my older brother last night with
    a takeaway and watching the footie & just sat there chatting to my dad all was perfect. We have a lovely Easter family weekend planned & I
    will put my positive head on & enjoy myself.

    I also re-read my post & realised how selfish i was very
    "how will I cope"..."what will I do"...All about me...when I am NOT the only
    person going through Dad is fighting this and has not complained mum is being strong & holding everything together & my husband
    is being not only mine but everyone elses rock. My 5 brothers (2 of whom live in
    scotland) are going through this & struggling. There are some amazing people
    on this site including you both who are all going through this & sound so
    strong & offer help & support to everyone...I need to take a leaf out of
    your book.

    I am here anytime either of you need a chat or want to vent. Big hugs to you
    both & thank you again xxx

  • FormerMember

    BIg hugs to you and congratulations on your wedding day, i'm so glad you were able to share that with your dad.

    You have already starting grieving, that is why you feel that way you do.  It's just awful.  Your dad is being very brave and I'm so glad you have such a wonderful relationship with him and a very strong bond - me and my dad were just the same.  Because of that strong bond and the love you have for him, when his time comes you will not want him to fight any longer as you will know you have to let him go.  You will get an incredible amount of comfort and relief from that.  You love him too much to watch him suffer.

    Try not to think about tomorrow and just enjoy today, as things change you will adapt, you will cope, don't doubt yourself.  These times are incredibly hard.

    Thinking of you xx