Mums Nuroendocrine Jouney!

  • Back to work in a week!

    Well as the title says!

    I am back to work again in a week, after having 8 weeks off! this will be hard going! as mcuh as I am looking forward to going back to work, I will miss my babies, my middle baby will be starting school for the first time, i can only drop her off on the first tuesday, but I wont be able to pick her up which makes me a bit sad in fact very sad :(

    This is where the reality hits home again, mum…

  • Good days :)

    Mum is feeling great! she says that she feels no different to how she felt 6 months ago, in fact probably better now she has lost some weight ( was 3 stone overweight) she has energy, and is eating well.

    She seems to have got to grips with trying to be careful with what she eats so not to give herself bad bowels. And she said today since she has started the cooking, and not my dad, the tummy pains and bad bowels have…

  • Results are in!


    Mums primary site is in her Messetary and this has sadly metastesised into her Liver :( they cannot operate and take it out due to the location of the primary site, this seems to be pretty unaccesable, so that was a bit of a big blow to us.

    The tumour does not seem to have grown in the past 3 months so we are hoping that this is a good sign?

    It has been classed as a grade 2 tumour, so is moderatley slow…

  • Tomorrow it is!

    Well, how ma I feeling pretty crap if I am honest, 2 months ago we were told the most devestaing news your mum is going to die, and it will pretty quick.

    Then a month later we were told its not in fact metastic bowel cancer as originall thought but a NUROENDOCRINE cancer?! and its pretty rare and we cannot do anything locally?! and that is well defined and slow growing.

    So we get sent on another emotional rollercoaster…

  • Now Just a waiting game again!

    Well mum had her scans and radioactive injections!

    She said the hospital in Oxford were fabulous so helpful curtious, didnt feel rushed or out of place.

    Mum has said she is worried the cancer is everywhere, in her brain lungs etc, although surely her CT scan would ahve shown a massive spread especially as this is apparently a slow growing cancer? So now she also has me worried!

    She seems ok, came with us for a walk…