Now Just a waiting game again!

1 minute read time.

Well mum had her scans and radioactive injections!

She said the hospital in Oxford were fabulous so helpful curtious, didnt feel rushed or out of place.

Mum has said she is worried the cancer is everywhere, in her brain lungs etc, although surely her CT scan would ahve shown a massive spread especially as this is apparently a slow growing cancer? So now she also has me worried!

She seems ok, came with us for a walk to the forest with the children managed to push my younger daughter in her pushchair for 3miles! Also took my daughters to church yesterday? So if was that ill surely she would not be able to do these things?

I am making a concous effort to make sure mum gets active and gets out and about, not to get lethargic and home bound! very easy to slip into that attitude not so easy to get out! I find a good attitide has a lot to do with how people face whats ahead!

I also keep remindning mum its normal to feel a bit tired and have aches and pains! I know I do and I am a LOT younger than her, suppose its easy to read things into something when you know there is something nasty inside you?

Anyway Thursday is the day to see where / what the cancer is and what if anything they will do straight away?
