Back to work in a week!

1 minute read time.

Well as the title says!

I am back to work again in a week, after having 8 weeks off! this will be hard going! as mcuh as I am looking forward to going back to work, I will miss my babies, my middle baby will be starting school for the first time, i can only drop her off on the first tuesday, but I wont be able to pick her up which makes me a bit sad in fact very sad :(

This is where the reality hits home again, mum was supposed to have Sophie for us, something she was looking forward too, however as it stands this wont happen, we still do not know what is happening or what treatment, so she cannot commit to having Sophie.

I kind of hope she does have her even if for a day, just to take her mind of everything and so she can spend time with her grandaughter, is this selfish of me?

We are hoping to head off to the local railway museum tomorrow with mum dad and the children, something to do nice picnic make the most of the next few days! as soon life will be rush rush again!

I want to make the most of my babies, they grow up far too quickly, Jacob is 7 on his next birthday, I just want time to slow down so I can enjoy all of my family and appreciate how much they mean to me, as we dont know when / how life will change.


