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Mums primary site is in her Messetary and this has sadly metastesised into her Liver :( they cannot operate and take it out due to the location of the primary site, this seems to be pretty unaccesable, so that was a bit of a big blow to us.

The tumour does not seem to have grown in the past 3 months so we are hoping that this is a good sign?

It has been classed as a grade 2 tumour, so is moderatley slow growing, not as good as a grade 1 but I suppose we have to be thakful it wasnt a grade 3 aggressive!

Anyway, we now have yet MORE waiting!!! its now driving me insane! Mum now has to see a specialist in octreotide treatment, you would have thought they would have all been there!

anyway so until then we do not know what the plan will be I suppose,

but mum seemed ok, not spoken to dad.

I am a little deflated if I am honest been hoping for some REAL forward steps but still waiting

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nes5ie,

    I'm so pleased you have some clear information about your Mum's condition, and that she seems ok. As always there is a lot of waiting for next steps - that's the worst thing about this disease, apart from actually having it in the first place of course.

    They usually have a MDT (multi-disciplinary team) meeting before a treatment plan is decided, so that all the relevant people can discuss what they think is best for the patient. They're all very busy of course (my oncologist said she regularly works a 90-hour week!) which explains the waiting. It doesn't help your nerves, I know, but it just has to be endured unless you have the resources to fast-track privately.

    Try not to worry too much, if the tumour is slow-growing a delay won't be critical. Keep your chin up.

    Love & hugs,

    Twirly xxx