Tomorrow it is!

1 minute read time.

Well, how ma I feeling pretty crap if I am honest, 2 months ago we were told the most devestaing news your mum is going to die, and it will pretty quick.

Then a month later we were told its not in fact metastic bowel cancer as originall thought but a NUROENDOCRINE cancer?! and its pretty rare and we cannot do anything locally?! and that is well defined and slow growing.

So we get sent on another emotional rollercoaster, what to think? what plans can we make? how long do we have all of these questions have been unanswerd for 3 months and 15 days! life has been pretty tricky trying to carry on as normal knowing something is inside my mum seeing her so well and happy on the whole.

so tomorrow at 11:40am the news will be given... what do I hope for? I suppose what we all do, a quick fix, cut it out and thats it gone! what I think will be said?....its spread to liver, only palative treatment and we cannot give a definate time scale!

Again my life, hopes will be dashed, my wonderful amazing mother has to go through this cruel illness all she wanted was a few years of retirement enjoy her grandchildren.

So there will be plenty of prayers tonight I REALLY hope for some positive news that gives mum a few more years

