
  • the silly things people say


    so im sitting here and feeling really down :( my boyfriends dad has been so funny with me lately.. not talking to me... acting really strange..

    my boyfriend comes to my house with his room packed up in the car.. when i asked what was wrong he didnt tell me.. eventually i found out that his dad has accused me of letting my boyfriend 'financially support me'.. (my boyfriends on a sickness pension) and i work.. infact ive…

  • the stupid things people say


    so im sitting here and feeling really down :( my boyfriends dad has been so funny with me lately.. not talking to me... acting really strange..

    my boyfriend comes to my house with his room packed up in the car.. when i asked what was wrong he didnt tell me.. eventually i found out that his dad has accused me of letting my boyfriend 'financially support me'.. (my boyfriends on a sickness pension) and i work.. infact ive…

  • sad


    i just came home from work im on my lunch break and i just burst into tears.. last night we found out that my boyfriends liver surgery isnt going to be keyhole and now they have to open him up..

    last time he had bowel surgery i found it so hard to see him in hospital in so much pain.. and now i have to watch him go through that all again.. i wish it was me instead!

    im at work i work with children and im trying to…

  • very drained


    hey guys im new to this website.. so here's a long story short..

    basically was with my boyfriend for 6 months, he started to get sick and weak, got a colonoscopy and found out he had advanced bowel cancer..

    he had chemo, radiotherapy and surgery.. a year on and things are looking much better.. the tumor was removed completely, except now he has a permanant colostomy..

    he will be having more surgery in 3 weeks time…